Hi friend, my name is Anna and this is the story of The Crafted Space.
I dropped out of college after one year of studio art classes to pursue photography as a 19-year-old Charleston girl. I mostly took pictures of my friends, some flowers on the street and my coffee mugs on my shifts as a barista. I was fascinated by the wedding industry and some super kind and generous women let me second shoot with them, my tiny Canon Rebel in tow.
I shot my first wedding 2 years later for $300 and my camera broke right before the ceremony started. I frantically phoned a friend and solved the problem, but I quickly realized I had no idea what I was doing. I had a million questions and very few people to ask them to, so I was the walking embodiment of “fake it til you make it” in the first years of my business.
The Crafted Space is my way of helping photographers do something different. Just because you’re new to the photography world doesn’t mean you have to blindly figure it out on your own! You can still give your clients an incredible experience and a gallery to be proud of.
I want to bridge the gap and create a safe, inclusive and welcoming space for photographers of any skill level to come and ask questions or be reminded they aren’t alone. I hope this site and my workshop days can be the same haven for you that I needed when I was figuring it all out.

You’ve got this and I believe in you.

I got married at 20 years old lol.
My husband, Ben, and I started dating in high school and never looked back. We got engaged at 19, married at 20 and he’s my favorite person in the whole world. It’s a wild thing being 30 years old and having a decade of marriage under your belt, but we’re having a great time (:
I’m a baby New Yorker.
We only moved up the east coast to Manhattan at the beginning of 2022! I still have a large client base in the Southeast, so I’m traveling a good bit to make sure I can still hug all of my favorite humans in both places. (:
I used to hate flat lays.
Now I can’t get enough of them and they’re one of my favorite parts of the wedding day. I invested in some pieces to help me style them, and now I get so excited to start my wedding days with some invitations and a ring set.
I started as a light + airy photographer.
Before I invested in presets, my photos were inspired by contrast + white walls. I would try and find white backdrops every single time I picked up my camera, and I actually was a really light-toned photographer. I’ve changed my style completely since then, but I’m still always going to be drawn to a clean white backdrop.